In Loving Memory of Our Esteemed Group Founder Dr. James Wong Sai-Wing, JP 深切懷念我們尊敬的創辦人王世榮博士 JP

18 February 2025

In Loving Memory of Our Esteemed Group Founder Dr. James Wong Sai-Wing, JP 1938 – 2025

It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Dr. James Wong Sai-Wing, Founding Chairman of the Chinney Group, on February 16, 2025. He passed peacefully surrounded by his family, at the age of 86.

Dr. Wong was born in Shanghai and raised in Hong Kong. He studied at the Pui Ching Middle School where he placed first in the Hong Kong Chinese School Certificate Examination in 1957. After a short time at the Hong Kong Baptist College, he left Hong Kong to pursue further studies at Baylor University in the United States. He earned a BSc in Physics and Mathematics from Baylor University and was presented with the University’s Distinguished Achievement Award in 2012. He went on to earn a PhD in Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology, where he was among the first Hong Kong PhD graduates. He was also awarded that University’s highest honor of Distinguished Alumni Award in 2014.

Upon the passing of his father and on the encouragement of his father-in-law Mr. Cha Chi Ming, Dr. Wong gave up his academic tenure to return to Hong Kong in 1974 to manage the family businesses.

He took on the dual role of Managing Director of the Cha family’s China Dyeing Works Limited plus the Chairman of the Chinney Construction Group. Dr. Wong led the Cha Textiles Group for two decades, including taking several companies public, before resigning to run the Chinney Group full-time at the end of the 1980’s. The Chinney Group initially focused on real estate, building construction, and building maintenance. In 1980s, the group expanded into the garment industry, with factories in China, the Philippines, and Indonesia. In 1985, it acquired Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited to grow the property investment business. At the same time, the group further extended its operations into foundation works, piling, drilling, electrical and mechanical building services, implementing a comprehensive strategy of ‘one-stop’ vertically integrated construction services. In the 1990s, the group expanded into the mainland real estate market, actively positioning itself in first-tier cities. By the millennium, it officially developed its hotel and serviced apartment businesses.

With outstanding management skills and a forward-looking vision, Dr. Wong has led the group to greater heights. The Chinney Group has four companies listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited: Chinney Investments, Limited (0216.HK), Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (0160.HK), Chinney Alliance Group Limited (0385.HK) and Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited (1556.HK). The Group employs over 2,300 staff members across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Macau. With a strong footing in Hong Kong for over half a century, Dr Wong expanded the Chinney Group’s investment portfolio to manage assets over HKD 26 billion.

In addition to his business acumen, Dr. Wong has also achieved remarkable success in academia, publishing over 100 papers and editing several mathematical journals. As early as 1980, he was appointed as an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong and had served as an Honorary Professor since 2004, actively promoting academic research and exchange. He has also served the University as a Member of Council and the Committee Review Committee and has been a Member of the Finance Committee. For his contributions, he was awarded the Honorary University Fellow in 2013.

Dr. Wong’s research specialized in differential equations, qualitative and oscillatory theory, and functional analysis. His research and contributions to the academic community have far-reaching impacts on the mathematical community. He was appointed the Honorary Editor of the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications in 2012. And he served as a Trustee of the Fields Foundation in Canada.

Dr. Wong personified the business philosophy of “Truth, Fairness, and Freedom.” These core values not only reflected his personal beliefs but also serve as the cornerstone of the Chinney Group culture.

Dr. Wong actively participated in various public services, dedicated to promoting and enhancing the development and progress of Hong Kong. He has served as a Member of the Labour Advisory Board, the Textile Advisory Board where he represented Hong Kong in the WTO’s Multifiber Arrangement, the Council for Academic Accreditation, and the Research Grants Council, as well as being a Council Member of the Hong Kong Baptist University, and the former Open University of Hong Kong (now known as Hong Kong Metropolitan University). In 1987, Dr. Wong was appointed a Justice of the Peace for his exceptional performance in public service, highlighting his profound impact and selfless dedication to Hong Kong.

The Chinney Group will continue to honor Dr. Wong’s legacy: striving for excellence; be pragmatic and progressive: and forging ahead to make greater contributions to our society. We extend our deepest condolences to Dr. Wong’s family during this difficult time.

The Chinney Group

Chinney Investments, Limited

Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited

Chinney Alliance Group Limited

Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Limited

In Mourning

深切懷念我們尊敬的創辦人王世榮博士 JP

建業集團沉痛宣告,集團創辦人王世榮博士於2025年 2 月 16 日在家人的陪伴下安然辭世,享壽 86 歲。



回港後,王博士肩負起查氏家族的中國染廠有限公司董事總經理,同時也擔任建業集團主席。王博士管理了查氏紡織集團將近二十年,包括將幾家旗下的公司上市。到了八十年代末,王博士才辭去查氏紡織集團的職位,專心打理建業集團的業務。建業集團最初主要從事房地產、建築維修業務;至八十年代,業務擴展至製衣業務,遍佈中國內地,菲律賓和印尼;1985 年收購漢國置業有限公司,投資物業,與此同時,建業集團並進一步拓展至地基、打樁、鑽探、機電工程等領域,落實建築服務「一條龍」策略。九十年代,集團放眼內地房地產市場,積極佈局國內一線城市;與千禧年代,酒店及服務式公寓業務正式起動。

王博士憑藉卓越的管理能力和前瞻眼光,帶領集團業務更上一層樓。目前建業集團旗下有四間公司現於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市,分別為建業實業有限公司(股份代號216)、漢國置業有限公司( 股份代號160)、建聯集團有限公司(股份代號385),以及建業建榮控股有限公司(股份代號1556),在中國內地、香港、澳門及日本多地共有約2,300 餘名員工,投資和管理資產高達港幣260多億元。


王博士的研究專精於多個數學領域,包括微分方程、定性與振盪原理及功能分析等,有關研究對數學界深遠影響。在 2012 年,他更獲邀擔任《數學分析與應用期刊》的榮譽編輯。王博士也擔任加拿大菲爾茲基金會的受託人。







Appointment of New Group Chairman 集團任命新主席

5 September 2023

Appointment of New Group Chairman

Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited, an established property developer in Hong Kong announces the appointment of Mr. James Sing-Wai Wong (James Wong) as Chairman of the Group. He succeeds his father, Dr. James Sai-Wing Wong (Dr. Wong), who retires and becomes the Founding Chairman of the Group.

James has wide-ranging real estate experience. He joined the Chinney Group in 2010 and served as Executive Director of the Chinney Group’s four publicly listed member companies. During his tenure, he has contributed to the development of the Chinney Group’s data center, to building the electronic and digital infrastructure for the third runway at the Hong Kong Airport, and the spinoff of the Chinney Kin Wing Holdings Group.

James Wong said, “I am honored to be elected Chairman. I will work closely with the Board and the executive management team to guide the Group through the next phase of its journey. It will be a true privilege to lead the business as it continues to serve our stakeholders. We will strive for long-term and sustainable growth while delivering value for the shareholders.”

James holds a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (formerly known as University of California San Francisco, Hastings College of Law), and a master’s degree in Systems Engineering and Information Systems from the Florida Institute of Technology. He is a member of the California Bar as well as a licensed California Real Estate Broker. Before joining Chinney, James was an in-house lawyer for Toyota Motors of America and has over 30 years of experience in economics, law, management, and information systems. He currently serves as the Chair of the GBA Council of the Urban Land Institute.

Going forward, James will continue with his roles as Executive Director and a member of the Nomination Committee of the Company.





王先生持有University of California College of the Law, San Francisco(前稱University of California San Francisco, Hastings College of Law)頒發之法學博士學位,以及Florida Institute of Technology頒發之系統工程及資訊系統碩士學位。彼為加利福尼亞州律師公會會員以及持牌加利福尼亞州房地產經紀。在加入建業之前,王先生為美國豐田汽車公司的內部律師,在經濟、法律、管理及資訊系統方面累積逾三十年經驗。彼目前擔任城市土地學會大灣區組織委員會主席。


Hon Kwok selected the Forbes Asia’s 200 Best Under A Billion List in 2019

23 November 2020

Hon Kwok selected the Forbes Asia’s 200 Best Under A Billion List in 2019

Hon Kwok Land Investment Co., Ltd. was honorably named on the Forbes Asia’s 200 Best Under A Billion List in 2019. Forbes Asia’s Best Under A Billion list spotlights 200 top performing publicly listed companies in the Asia-Pacific region with sales under $1 billion and a track record of strong earnings growth.


To celebrate the success of these 200 Best Under A Billion companies, Forbes Asia has hosted a virtual Forum and Awards Ceremony on 23 November 2020. Our director Mr. James Wong represented Hon Kwok to attend the ceremony with our colleagues together watching the ceremony at Boardroom that afternoon.

Hon Kwok Land Signs Lease Agreement with Global Industry Leader for En-Bloc Data Centre in Kwai Chung

15 June 2020

Hon Kwok Land Signs Lease Agreement with Global Industry Leader for En-Bloc Data Centre in Kwai Chung

Located in Kwai Chung, Hon Kwok Land's newly completed data centre has a GFA of about 228,000 square feet, with UTI Tier III standards.

HONG KONG, June 15, 2020 – Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (“Hon Kwok Land” or the “Group”; Stock Code: 160), is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Gold Famous Development Limited, has entered into a long-term lease agreement with a global data centre industry leader for en-bloc space of the Group’s newly completed data centre in Kwai Chung. This move is a milestone, expanding Hon Kwok Land’s capability to develop special-purpose properties with highly specific building requirements for enterprise customers. It also marks an important advance to the Group’s portfolio by leveraging its advantage as a property developer and construction conglomerate.

The only high power density data centre in Hong Kong built in recent years.

The newly completed data centre is a 14-storey building with a GFA of about 228,000 square feet, designed for data centre purpose with UTI Tier III standards. To address enterprise requirements for operational stability, the building features transformer rooms of 132kV and 11kV powered by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, providing the facilities with a 50MVA + 26 MVA dual-feed power supplies. It is currently the only data centre capable of providing high-density power supply with 24 MW IT loads in Hong Kong that has been built in recent years. The data centre is expected to commence full operations by September 2021.

Mr. James Wong Jr., Executive Director of Hon Kwok Land, said, “The data centre market is a new direction for us. With more than 40 years in the property business, the Group is sensitive to market trends. We saw that the advent of 5G mobile networks in Hong Kong would spur a vast need for storing and processing data. Therefore, we developed and funded this data centre project from 2015 and completed the building utilising the advantages of Chinney Alliance Group Limited (“Chinney Alliance”, Stock Code: 0385) for its extensive experiences and expertise in foundation works, superstructure construction and building services. In particular, our fellow subsidiary Chinney Construction Company, Limited. designed and built this highly technical structure. Designed to be an innovative data centre, this project goes beyond conventional investment, construction, design and facility management. It merges carrier-neutral networks, communication and information security and unified management solutions.”

Chinney Construction Group, a subsidiary of Chinney Alliance specialising in superstructure works in Hong Kong and Macau, provided the overall design and build services including data centre design, project management, construction and MEP infrastructure installation services to this building.

Generating stable and recurring income stream

The successful leasing of this data centre could ensure a stable and recurring income stream to Hon Kwok Land, thus strengthening its financial capability for future development and to meet challenges from the ever-changing business environment.

“The completion and the successful leasing of this data centre represent a new chapter in Hon Kwok Land’s project development. In addition to a long history of developing residential and commercial buildings, the Group is now poised to also diversify our project portfolio and tap the potential for alternative property investments. We are confident that the partnership with Chinney Alliance will give the Group an edge in capturing opportunities in data processing and storage space”, Mr. Wong noted.

About Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited
Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited was founded in 1965 and listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1972. Its primary business is property development and investment. It has completed over 40 projects throughout Hong Kong and overseas. It is a subsidiary of Chinney Investments, Limited. (Stock Code: 0216). In 1997, the Group set up a wholly-owned subsidiary Hon Kwok Land Investment (China) Limited to focus on developing the Mainland China market. At present, Hon Kwok Land Investment (China) Limited has investment projects mainly in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan and Chongqing.

Chinney Investments and Hon Kwok Land Join Hands to Unveil "Hon Kwok City Commercial Centre"; Strive to Create a New Landmark in Futian Commercial District, Shenzhen

28 June 2017

Chinney Investments and Hon Kwok Land Join Hands to Unveil "Hon Kwok City Commercial Centre"; Strive to Create a New Landmark in Futian Commercial District, Shenzhen

Hon Kwok Land management and CBRE representatives preside over the "Launching and Signing Ceremonies for Hon Kwok Centre Global Leasing"

The facade of Hon Kwok Centre

An illustration of the clubhouse on the top floor of Hon Kwok Centre

Leasing Opens for Potential Tenants Worldwide; Perfectizes the Property Development Layout in Shenzhen

HONG KONG, June 28, 2017 – Chinney Investments, Limited (stock code:216) and Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (stock code:160) (“Hon Kwok Land” or the “Group”) jointly unveiled the Hon Kwok City Commercial Centre (“Hon Kwok Centre”), solely developed by Hon Kwok Land and located in the heart of the Futian commercial district, Shenzhen. “Launching and Signing Ceremonies for Hon Kwok Centre Global Leasing” was held today at The St. Regis Shenzhen for the signing of a strategic leasing agency and cooperation agreement between the Group and famous property consultancy, CBRE, inviting the rally of companies in China as well as from around the world to set up offices there.

The ceremony themed “The World from the Top” was graced by elites and heavyweights from the property industry. Present at the event were the management of the Hon Kwok Land and the leasing and property teams.

Hon Kwok Centre is at a prime location in the Futian commercial district, Shenzhen. It is on Shennan Road, neighbouring the central Luohu district, in the heart of a financial service centre with the richest resources pool in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The area is the base of more than 80% of the venture capitalists and financial centres and 300-plus private equity funds in Shenzhen, which together manage more than 30% of the fund capital in the country. Furthermore, more than 40% and 60% respectively of the banks and securities firms and close to 95% of the fund corporations in Shenzhen have been attracted to the area. The Centre, a new commercial landmark in the district, occupies an area of approximately 7,900 sq. m. and has a GFA of more than 163,000 sq. m. It is about 330 m. tall, the fifth highest among completed projects in Shenzhen and the only super high-rise commercial/office complex on Shennan Road. The project commands a total investment of HK$2 billion. It is expected to commence operation in the first half of 2018, while the rental rate will be approximately at between RMB200 and RMB430 per sq. m.

As visualised by the renowned U.S. architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM), the avant-garde and innovative design of the project conveys a sense of style that is modern, high-tech and trendy. Hon Kwok Centre is not only a traditional office building, but an upgrade of the conventional to a well-equipped green commercial complex, complemented with an ancillary leisure zone, marrying urban commercial functions with the art of living. It is set to be the home of up-and-coming international consumer brands in banking, dining, high-end grocery shopping, and fitness and beauty as it becomes the top commercial/office landmark within the central Futian business district in Shenzhen.

Mr. Zuric Chan, Executive Director of Hon Kwok Land, said, “Hon Kwok Centre is a Shenzhen landmark project created through the concerted efforts of the Group. Its architectural concept and ancillary facilities are all customer-oriented and our vision is for it to become a first class integrated commercial and office project that converges international and local business elites. Hon Kwok Land started to venture into the Mainland China market in 1997 and has since set up companies which focus on property development in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Nanhai. The development of Hon Kwok Centre is an integral part in the Group’s business layout in China. We firmly believe that, with the Group boasting world-class resources advantages, plus CBRE’s real estate service capabilities and Hon Kwok Centre’s diverse integrated services, leading companies in China and from around the world will be attracted to leasing space in the Centre. Our international perspective and clear vision enables us to bring new thinking and insights to Shenzhen and the country, as well as turn Hon Kwok Centre into the vibrant ‘heart’ of the city, setting it apart from all commercial centres in the Futian central business district.”

Enquiry hotline: (86) 8378 8888

About Chinney Investments, Limited
Chinney Investments, Limited (“Chinney Investments”) (stock code: 216) was founded in 1959 and listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1973. Its primary businesses are property development, property investment for leasing purposes, hotels, garment manufacturing and trading. It is the parent company of Hon Kwok Land.

About Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited
Hon Kwok Land Investment Company, Limited (“Hon Kwok Land”) (stock code: 160) was founded in 1965 and listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1972. Its primary business is property development and investment. It has under its belt property projects all over Hong Kong, where it has operated and accumulated more than 40 years of experience and many successes in property development. It is today a respected property developer in Hong Kong. In 1997, the Company set up a wholly-owned subsidiary Hon Kwok Land Investment (China) Limited to focus on developing the Mainland China market. At present, Hon Kwok Land Investment (China) Limited has investment projects mainly in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan and Chongqing.